For the upcoming 25-26 School Year:

Registration form for 25-26 

To save your child's spot at GNS please submit the registration form above and the $65 registration fee. The forms below are due in early July 2025. 

GNS Enrollment Forms for 25-26 School Year: (Fillable)
25-26 Form Checklist​ (updated 3-5-25)
​25-26 Enrollment Form
Policy & Disclosure Statement
Universal Health Form
Authorization for Pediatric Medical Treatment
Authorization for Pick-up
ASQ-3 letter
Authorization and Consent for Photographs & Distribute Class List
Permission for Walking Trips, Memorial Hall Field Trips, ​and Receipt of GNS Parent Orientation Handbook
Parental Notification​
GNS Parent Handbook 24-25 as of 7-11-24​ (NOTE: will be updating 25-26 handbook this Summer 2025)
​​​​​​​NOTE: Policies and Disclosures below apply to the 25-26 school year. 

For children with an EpiPen for an allergy: ​​
1) Please have your allergist fill out the
FARE form​
2) Please provide the school with the medication/EpiPen required by the FARE form in a zip lock back with your child's name clearly written. NOTE: Give us a full EpiPen box as both doses are needed in an emergency. 
3) GNS Staff will ​talk with the parents to discuss the allergy and child's typical reaction

NOTE: If your child has an allergy that does not require an EpiPen, please let us know. That way we can stay aware of potential allergy triggers. ​​

Policies And Disclosures: (for